An intranet web app for decrypting values : a bad idea, and if so, why?

We have to protect a database connection string for a .NET desktop application that has an application-level database user. One option is to encrypt a section of the app.config using asp_regiis. But then every user of the application needs… Continue reading An intranet web app for decrypting values : a bad idea, and if so, why?

XSS: Escape the escape – How to deal with trailing single quote without comments in JavaScript context?

Given an application which prints user-supplied values inside single quotes in a JavaScript context while escaping ‘ – but not \ -, is there a way to gain XSS without /?

Example code:

test(‘input1, fixed, input2’, ‘/so… Continue reading XSS: Escape the escape – How to deal with trailing single quote without comments in JavaScript context?

How does a web client check the signing authority of a server certificate? [duplicate]

In HTTP The Definitive Guide

When you establish a secure web transaction through HTTPS, modern
browsers automatically fetch the digital certificate for the server
being connected to. If the server does not have a certificate, the
Continue reading How does a web client check the signing authority of a server certificate? [duplicate]

Are the following two ways to obtain server certificates for web servers to host web applications? says for running a flask web application with gunicorn and nginx with https:… Continue reading Are the following two ways to obtain server certificates for web servers to host web applications?

Token and cookie based mechanisms: stateful or stateless, session or nonsession based?

Sorry for being still confused. I hope someone could share how they understand the following questions and also Is session/cookie based authentication stateful or stateless?. There might be some different terminologies used by different pe… Continue reading Token and cookie based mechanisms: stateful or stateless, session or nonsession based?