Zero-Day Snafus — Hunting Memory Allocation Bugs

Zero-Day Snafus — Hunting Memory Allocation Bugs

Languages like C/C++ come with the whole “allocation party” of malloc, calloc, zalloc, realloc and their specialized versions kmalloc etc. For example, malloc has a… Continue reading Zero-Day Snafus — Hunting Memory Allocation Bugs

Efficiently Testing Pipelined Microservices

Behind the magically populating dashboards of ShiftLeft lies a complex web of services. We have the state-of the art code property graph generation and querying systems that run on each incoming code artifact, squeezes the security DNA from it and uses… Continue reading Efficiently Testing Pipelined Microservices

Gracefully Protecting Rapid Software Deployments

Gracefully Protecting Rapid Software Deployments — Part I
Software has changed. What used to be monolithic services on the backend are now the massive deployments of microservices that constantly are spawned up and torn … Continue reading Gracefully Protecting Rapid Software Deployments

Gracefully Protecting Rapid Software Deployments

Gracefully Protecting Rapid Software Deployments — Part I
Software has changed. What used to be monolithic services on the backend are now the massive deployments of microservices that constantly are spawned up and torn … Continue reading Gracefully Protecting Rapid Software Deployments