SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication: Should I create a new security context using `gss_init_sec_context` for every request?

I’m implementing SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication for a Linux client application for authenticating requests to a Windows IIS server.
I’ve read RFC4559, which describes how authentication should be performed:
https://datatracker.ietf.o… Continue reading SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication: Should I create a new security context using `gss_init_sec_context` for every request?

Does Microsoft implement "Windows Defender"-like security for WSL 2 instances?

I’m not certain whether WSL 2 instances, running in Hyper-V, are actually scanned by Windows Defender.
I have found some articles on Google describing Window Defender’s performance impact on WSL, but they are not mentioning whether they ar… Continue reading Does Microsoft implement "Windows Defender"-like security for WSL 2 instances?

Why does Docker use the same user and cgroup namespaces by default, when starting a new container? [migrated]

Why does Docker use the same user and cgroup namespaces by default, when starting a new container?

I don’t understand why Docker doesn’t set up a new user namespace, so that root in the container isn’t the same as root on the host.

Continue reading Why does Docker use the same user and cgroup namespaces by default, when starting a new container? [migrated]

heap-one (x64) CTF exploit exercise: cannot overwrite GOT entry using arbitrary write (qword) primitive?

I’m currently working on the following CTF exercise (x64 version), where the objective is to overwrite a pointer stored on the heap to control the write address of strcpy():


struc… Continue reading heap-one (x64) CTF exploit exercise: cannot overwrite GOT entry using arbitrary write (qword) primitive?

Why isn’t the checksum length increased on macOS to mitigate generic heap exploitation?

I’ve been studying heap exploitation on Linux/macOS for learning purposes.

Many of the generic exploits on macOS rely on brute-forcing the 4-bit checksum derived from the rack’s cookie value. This effectively results in a 2^… Continue reading Why isn’t the checksum length increased on macOS to mitigate generic heap exploitation?

How to execute a command directly on the host system through docker.sock in a Docker container?

I’ve been studying Docker security and examining ways of escaping from container to host.

Suppose Docker sock (docker.sock) is mounted into the container at /var/run/docker.sock, so that Docker client (docker) can send comma… Continue reading How to execute a command directly on the host system through docker.sock in a Docker container?

What’s the use of an "extra" dynamic declaration in an external DTD blind XXE attack?

I’ve been studying XXE attacks through Portswigger’s Web Security Academy. I stumbled upon a lab Exploiting blind XXE to exfiltrate data using a malicious external DTD.
In this lab an attacker has to define an entity within XML request to … Continue reading What’s the use of an "extra" dynamic declaration in an external DTD blind XXE attack?