How Brad Olive Fights Fires With Security Awareness

Brad Olive has been spreading security awareness since the dawn of the internet. Today he develops personalized learning road maps aimed at various roles and user types for IBM Security Academy.

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Security Gamification Engineer Richard Moore Proves That Anyone Can Be a Hacker

Security gamification engineer Richard Moore designs cyberthreat scenarios to unlock the competitive spirit of cybersecurity professionals and demonstrate how easy it is for anyone to hack a system.

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How John Clarke Shifted Gears From Driving Vans to Gamifying Incident Response

Ten years ago, John Clarke was driving a van in Ireland for a living. Today, he develops games at IBM to help train security professionals on incident response and cyber situational awareness.

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How a Fascination With Machinery Led Irina Nicolae to AI Research

As a young girl in Romania, Irina Nicolae was fascinated with machinery and how different parts fit together. Today, she conducts AI research to develop ways to protect this technology from threats.

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How Mike Barcomb’s Military Mindset Enhances Incident Response

IBMer Mike Barcomb draws upon his experience in the U.S. Army Reserve to lead a team of incident response experts through careful planning, regular rehearsals and quick decision-making.

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How Cloud Security Can Drive Innovation and Transform Your Business

At the May 2018 IBM Security Summit in London, industry experts discussed how organizations could transform their business by developing a formal strategy for cloud security.

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Innovation, Collaboration and Security Awareness: What We’re Grateful for This Thanksgiving

On this holiday, see what our contributors are thankful for in the world of cybersecurity, including improved security awareness and continued innovation.

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Today’s Predictions for Tomorrow’s Internet: IBM Experts Look Ahead for NCSAM

For week three of NCSAM, seven IBM Security experts offered their predictions about the future of the technology and cybercrime.

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Put Threat Intelligence Into Action With Security Apps

An update to IBM X-Force Exchange provides recommended apps to help users implement threat intelligence into their end-to-end security portfolio.

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Think You Have Plenty of Time to Plan for GDPR? Think Again

The deadline to achieve compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is fast approaching, but many companies remain unprepared.

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