Can I find out what encryption is used by my Android Bluetooth keyboard?

I’ve got an Android tablet (Samsung Tab S2) and a Bluetooth keyboard (Celicious Tri BK01). I occasionally use the keyboard to enter my password.

Is there any way, in Android, to find out whether the Bluetooth traffic is encrypted? How can… Continue reading Can I find out what encryption is used by my Android Bluetooth keyboard?

Do I need to patch Linux for Meltdown/Spectre if the hypervisor has been patched, and I trust the guest?

If I’m running a VM on Amazon EC2 or Microsoft Azure, and they’ve patched the underlying hypervisor, do I need to upgrade my Linux kernel to protect against Meltdown or Spectre?

Assume that I’m not running any untrusted soft… Continue reading Do I need to patch Linux for Meltdown/Spectre if the hypervisor has been patched, and I trust the guest?