If I’m currently on a website and disable my VPN, is my ISP or the web server immediately aware of the change or does a page refresh have to occur?

For example:
I’m browsing my favorite website with my favorite VPN enabled.
I disable my VPN while I’m still on a page of the website. I haven’t clicked any links yet, I haven’t went back to the previous page, I’m just on the page, touchin… Continue reading If I’m currently on a website and disable my VPN, is my ISP or the web server immediately aware of the change or does a page refresh have to occur?

Why is the HTTP protocol more susceptible to being intercepted than the BitTorrent protocol?

I’m downloading an .iso file that is offered through the main website, which recommends users to use BitTorrent. In addition, they offer the download via HTTP using different mirror sites that belong to different countries, a… Continue reading Why is the HTTP protocol more susceptible to being intercepted than the BitTorrent protocol?