The Hacker Returns: A Backdoor Edition

Once an attacker manages to hack and gain access to a target site or system, they typically work hard to maintain their access—as long as it can to help them achieve their goals.
You can think of it like having an annoying party-crasher at your … Continue reading The Hacker Returns: A Backdoor Edition

Spam Injector Disguised as License Key in WordPress Website

Here at Sucuri, we clean WordPress websites every day. There are various types of common malware, but when we stumble upon a different scenario, our research team likes to dig deeper and conduct a complete investigation.
A license key is a place where… Continue reading Spam Injector Disguised as License Key in WordPress Website

Fake Font Dropper

Every day we see different website infections. When we receive unusual or interesting cases, our researcher instincts are triggered to investigate the unusual website behavior in order to understand how new infections work. In this case, the odd behav… Continue reading Fake Font Dropper