Docker: How to download & verify a publisher’s root key (out-of-band, distinct-domain cryptographic verification, WoT)

For a given publisher of docker images on Docker Hub (let’s say debian), how do I download their root release/image signing key and verify its authenticity from multiple sources out-of-band from each-other?
Though it doesn’t appear to be c… Continue reading Docker: How to download & verify a publisher’s root key (out-of-band, distinct-domain cryptographic verification, WoT)

Does dnf enforce cryptographic authentication and integrity validation by default for all packages? (fedora linux)

Does the built-in dnf package manager in Fedora-based systems require successful cryptographic authentication and integrity validation for all packages?
I know that software downloaded with apt-get packages must be cryptographically verifi… Continue reading Does dnf enforce cryptographic authentication and integrity validation by default for all packages? (fedora linux)

Does pacman enforce cryptographic authentication and integrity validation by default for all packages? (arch linux)

Does the built-in pacman package manager in Arch-based systems require successful cryptographic authentication and integrity validation for all packages?
I know that software downloaded with apt-get packages must be cryptographically verif… Continue reading Does pacman enforce cryptographic authentication and integrity validation by default for all packages? (arch linux)

Android ROMs whose releases are cryptographically signed (gpg) [closed]

What is the list of popular Android ROMs whose releases are cryptographically signed?
Today I learned that LineageOS (arguably the most popular open-source Android ROM) does not cryptographically sign its releases with PGP. As such, they d… Continue reading Android ROMs whose releases are cryptographically signed (gpg) [closed]

References for [password length] > [complexity] (Academic Papers, Government Guidelines, Standards Publications) [closed]

I’m looking for a set of documents from reputable sources that explicitly state that password (passphrase) length is exponentially more important than password complexity.
Consider the following password policies:
[a] Passwords must contai… Continue reading References for [password length] > [complexity] (Academic Papers, Government Guidelines, Standards Publications) [closed]

What are equivalent Asian organization of NIST, especially in the Security Computer Division? [closed]

What are some Asian-equivalent organizations comparable to USA’s NIST?
I want to check the best practices and guidelines on computer security. Does anyone know if there are similar organizations in Asian countries that publish recommendati… Continue reading What are equivalent Asian organization of NIST, especially in the Security Computer Division? [closed]

Webserver DDOS protection without giving away private keys (https, tls, ssl)

What are the possible ways to protect an organization’s web servers from a DDoS attack without giving away your web server’s https private keys?
Many of the common solutions for DDoS protection of a web server (eg CloudFlare) require you t… Continue reading Webserver DDOS protection without giving away private keys (https, tls, ssl)

Does snapd enforce cryptographic authentication and integrity validation by default for all packages? (debian, ubuntu)

Does the snapd package manager in Debian-based systems require successful cryptographic authentication and integrity validation for all packages?
I know that software downloaded with apt-get packages must be cryptographically verified beca… Continue reading Does snapd enforce cryptographic authentication and integrity validation by default for all packages? (debian, ubuntu)