Is there any Security Benefits (auditing) to keeping old emails/text that give 2FA account codes?

Is there any Security Benefits/Risk in keeping old "Here is your 2FA login code" in email and text?
I always wonder if seeing one that is unread could queue me in to something bad happening but also concerned that keeping such a … Continue reading Is there any Security Benefits (auditing) to keeping old emails/text that give 2FA account codes?

Is there a Hash Function that spit out printable ASCII character

MD5 and SHA functions output a string of Hex representing the data the hash generated. Is there a hash that exists, or a way to convert these hashes to create an output that would only result in a string using only printable Ascii characters.

Instead of getting a hash that only has the possible values of [0-9] and [A-F]

I would like to get [0-9] and [A-Z] and [a-z] [!@#$%^&*-=_+[]{}|;’:”,./<>?`~]

I do understand that the Hex value that MD5 and Sha spit out is just a representation of the binary value they actually represent, so perhaps it is not so much a hash function that I need but rather a different way to parse the binary.

However if I’m not mistaken a direct translation from Hex to Ascii would most probably include non printable characters which would defeat the purpose, so I suppose I would need a final hash function who’s soul purpose is to do just this.

Continue reading Is there a Hash Function that spit out printable ASCII character