Critical Condition: Legacy Medical Devices Remain Easy Targets for Ransomware

Analysis found that 99% of healthcare organizations are vulnerable to publicly available exploits.
The post Critical Condition: Legacy Medical Devices Remain Easy Targets for Ransomware appeared first on SecurityWeek.
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In Other News: Hellcat Hackers Unmasked, CrushFTP Bug Controversy, NYU Hacked

Noteworthy stories that might have slipped under the radar: Key members of Hellcat ransomware group identified, controversy around CrushFTP flaw CVE, NYU website hacked and defaced.
The post In Other News: Hellcat Hackers Unmasked, CrushFTP Bug Controv… Continue reading In Other News: Hellcat Hackers Unmasked, CrushFTP Bug Controversy, NYU Hacked

Cloudflare open sources OPKSSH to bring Single Sign-On to SSH

OPKSSH (OpenPubkey SSH) makes it easy to authenticate to servers over SSH using OpenID Connect (OIDC), allowing developers to ditch manually configured SSH keys in favor of identity provider-based access. By tightly integrating with identity providers … Continue reading Cloudflare open sources OPKSSH to bring Single Sign-On to SSH