Critical Condition: Legacy Medical Devices Remain Easy Targets for Ransomware

Analysis found that 99% of healthcare organizations are vulnerable to publicly available exploits.
The post Critical Condition: Legacy Medical Devices Remain Easy Targets for Ransomware appeared first on SecurityWeek.
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A Tale of Two Phishing Sites, (Fri, Mar 28th)

In phishing and in malspam, as in any other field, one can see certain trends develop over time. For obvious reasons, most threat actors like to use techniques and approaches that are novel and, thus, more effective. This commonly leads to adoption of the same techniques and technologies by multiple threat actors at the same time, which applies even to the use of the same phishing kits. Still, the same kit may end up looking completely different in the hands of different actors, as the following example shows.

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In Other News: Hellcat Hackers Unmasked, CrushFTP Bug Controversy, NYU Hacked

Noteworthy stories that might have slipped under the radar: Key members of Hellcat ransomware group identified, controversy around CrushFTP flaw CVE, NYU website hacked and defaced.
The post In Other News: Hellcat Hackers Unmasked, CrushFTP Bug Controv… Continue reading In Other News: Hellcat Hackers Unmasked, CrushFTP Bug Controversy, NYU Hacked

CoffeeLoader Uses GPU-Based Armoury Packer to Evade EDR and Antivirus Detection

Cybersecurity researchers are calling attention to a new sophisticated malware called CoffeeLoader that’s designed to download and execute secondary payloads.
The malware, according to Zscaler ThreatLabz, shares behavioral similarities with another kno… Continue reading CoffeeLoader Uses GPU-Based Armoury Packer to Evade EDR and Antivirus Detection

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