Cyber crime marketplace DEER.IO seized, admin arrested from JFK airport

By ghostadmin
DEER.IO, the biggest platform for selling hacked personally identifiable information, has been seized by the FBI.
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Creepy facial recognition firm Clearview AI hacked; client list stolen

By ghostadmin
Clearview AI has billions of photos of innocent and unsuspecting users – Its entire list of clients was reportedly stolen by unknown hackers.
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2.7 billion email addresses & plain-text passwords exposed online

By ghostadmin
In addition to email addresses and passwords, the records contained MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 hashes….
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Office 365 Phishing Protection – Is Native Microsoft Protection Safe?

By ghostadmin
For the last couple of years, there has been a surge in phishing attacks against businesses and unsuspecting users. What’s worse is that phishing, which was previously merely a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information, is … Continue reading Office 365 Phishing Protection – Is Native Microsoft Protection Safe?

Inside job: Bithumb crypto exchange hacked again; loses $20 million

By ghostadmin
This is the third time that Bithumb has been hacked to steal millions in cryptocurrency. Crypto industry is being hammered by cybercriminals with full frequency lately. There are reports of a new attack against South Korean bitcoin exchan… Continue reading Inside job: Bithumb crypto exchange hacked again; loses $20 million

FEMA leaks sensitive details of 2.3 million disaster survivors

By ghostadmin
The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General has released a report revealing that FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) couldn’t protect the private and confidential information of about 2.3 million hurricane… Continue reading FEMA leaks sensitive details of 2.3 million disaster survivors