It’s Not Too Soon to Start Talking About 6G

We may be only a short time into 5G deployments, but discussions of the impact 6G technology will have on our lives have already started. In late 2020, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions created a new group called the Next G Alliance to “advance North American mobile technology leadership over the next decade through […]

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A Journey in Organizational Resilience: Geopolitical and Socio-Economic Trends and Threats

The last stop on our organizational resilience journey touches one of the issues organizations have the least control over: geopolitical and socio-economic trends and threats. However, they can be some of the most impactful on your organization. Today, the ubiquitous use of interconnected information systems to carry commerce exists on a scale that never did […]

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Edge Computing and 5G: Will Security Concerns Outweigh Benefits?

You’re probably hearing a bunch of chatter about edge computing these days and how it, along with 5G, are the latest pieces of technology to redefine how we conduct our business. In fact, you may even be hearing people say that edge computing will replace cloud computing. Let’s separate the facts from the speculation.  What […]

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A Journey in Organizational Resilience: Insider Threats

Very much like privacy concerns, insider threats may not be the first issue to come to mind when building an enterprise cyber resilience plan. However, they should be. Here is why: because as we noted in the first piece of this series, you want to be able to bend while others break. An insider threat […]

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A Journey in Organizational Resilience: The Data Life Cycle

With so many efforts focused on restoring systems, applications and workloads, it is easy to miss an important piece: the data that makes business processes possible. A fully restored system is as good as offline if you don’t have the data required to work. Let’s face it: in the past, technology drove business capabilities. Today, […]

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A Journey in Organizational Resilience: Supply Chain and Third Parties

The next stop on our journey focuses on those that you rely on: supply chains and third parties.  Working with external partners can be difficult. But, there is a silver lining. Recent attacks have resulted in an industry wake-up call when it comes to cybersecurity resilience. You see, the purpose of using external partners is […]

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A Journey in Organizational Resilience: Security by Design

Security by design is one of those concepts that happily goes hand in hand with resilience. Candidly, they were made for each other. The security by design methodology helps minimize some of the inherent risk we cannot do anything about. Building on a Tectonic Plate Consider for a moment you absolutely had to construct something […]

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A Journey in Organizational Resilience: Privacy

Privacy concerns may not be the first issue that comes to mind when building an enterprise cyber resilience plan. However, you should expect them to gain prominence. For perspective, consider for a moment that the NIST Privacy Framework is a relatively new tool. It was only first deployed in January 2020.  Even ISO only released […]

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Cybersecurity First: Becoming GOAT

As we close off Cybersecurity Awareness Month, let us examine how we can become the cyber GOAT: ‘greatest of all time’. Sure, there will be plenty this week on cybersecurity training, making security a priority, more investments into products and processes and all that fun stuff. But we’re not going to talk about that right […]

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A Journey in Organizational Resilience: Training and Testing

We are far from a breach-free world. After all, even cybercriminals have shown their own form of resilience. For example, after a short hiatus, the ransomware group REvil came back in September 2021. Until the day we can leave our ‘cyber front door’ unlocked, any organizational resilience framework you employ needs to include a healthy […]

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