Proliferation of DevOps Tools Introduces Risk

One of the main contributors to the weak security posture of development environments is the complexity and knowledge gap created by the number of tools and services involved in this process. With more than a hundred CI/CD tools to choose from and hun… Continue reading Proliferation of DevOps Tools Introduces Risk

Lessons in Securing Development Environments

The new world of software development is inherently collaborative — development teams are geographically dispersed and require easily accessible and automated tools to ship products and features quicker with confidence. The new generation of developme… Continue reading Lessons in Securing Development Environments

Securing Dev Environments is Security Leaders’ Top Concern

Today, CI/CD pipelines form the backbone of modern DevOps operations. Over the past few years, the software development industry has pivoted to a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) process that offers application developers a faste… Continue reading Securing Dev Environments is Security Leaders’ Top Concern