What’s the tradeoff of storing a connection string vs the password as a secret?

This is for an app service + database I am pushing up to Azure. I am using Key Vault + Managed Identity for the secrets. I have several connection strings in the secrets to ApplicationInsights, etc.
These connection strings have a key, pas… Continue reading What’s the tradeoff of storing a connection string vs the password as a secret?

Does using OneDrive, etc. with versioning for documents provide for fast recovery from Ransomware?

I know there’s no 100% in security. But for business users (yes that is a range of use cases), if they are on Windows 10, they have My Documents pointing to a OneDrive (or GDrive, DropBox, Box, etc.) share, and that share has versioning tu… Continue reading Does using OneDrive, etc. with versioning for documents provide for fast recovery from Ransomware?