Fundamentals of FMCW Radar Help You Understand Your Car’s Point of View

Pretty much every modern car has some driver assistance feature, such as lane departure and blind-spot warnings, or adaptive cruise control. They’re all pretty cool, and they all depend on …read more Continue reading Fundamentals of FMCW Radar Help You Understand Your Car’s Point of View

No, Chinese quantum computers haven’t hacked military-grade encryption

In the last several days, headlines have been plastered all over the internet regarding Chinese researchers using D-Wave quantum computers to hack RSA, AES, and “military-grade encryption.” This is true and not true.Continue ReadingCategory: Quantum Co… Continue reading No, Chinese quantum computers haven’t hacked military-grade encryption

US Army Faces ‘Wide-Ranging’ Issues with Its Boats, Considers Replacing Them with Autonomous Vessels

An anonymous readed shared this report from CNN:

[U.S. army boats] are poorly maintained and largely unprepared to meet the military’s growing mission in the Pacific, a new government oversight report said this week. The Government Accountability Off… Continue reading US Army Faces ‘Wide-Ranging’ Issues with Its Boats, Considers Replacing Them with Autonomous Vessels