Limitations of Blockchain Technology

The elephant in the room is the viability and sustainability of blockchain technology. Cryptocurrency mining, for instance, requires specialized rigs that consume electricity. In certain estimates, at the time of writing, the bitcoin network’s en… Continue reading Limitations of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain: Revolutionizing the Technology Industry or Just Hype?

Integrity assurance that a piece of a binary is not modified, whether it is related to data or software, remains a significant challenge in the IT industry. Integrity assurance is built into many databases; it helps ensure that data will not be changed… Continue reading Blockchain: Revolutionizing the Technology Industry or Just Hype?

The State of Security in Industrial Control Systems

The main challenge for industrial control systems is that the processes that control those systems are connected to critical infrastructure such as power, water, gas, and transport. This means they require high availability, and it is not easy to inter… Continue reading The State of Security in Industrial Control Systems

Vulnerability Scanning vs. Penetration Testing

It amazes me how many people confuse the importance of vulnerability scanning with penetration testing. Vulnerability scanning cannot replace the importance of penetration testing, and penetration testing on its own cannot secure the entire network. Bo… Continue reading Vulnerability Scanning vs. Penetration Testing