SQLmap is returning "command not found" after every y/n prompt [closed]

I was running some sql injection tests in SQLmap, and every time, the tool stopped testing the parameters to ask a Y/n questions, it immediately returned it as ‘command not found’ to both the two possible answers I pass (Y and N) not givin… Continue reading SQLmap is returning "command not found" after every y/n prompt [closed]

The right path to tcp_seq_window.nasl TCP/IP Sequence Prediction Blind Reset Spoofing DoS

Is there an easy way to go to the right path of an exploit in Metasploit? like for instance, I want to access the scanner module where it holds the TCP/IP Sequence Prediction Blind Reset Spoofing DoS exploit. But I think I’m parsing the wr… Continue reading The right path to tcp_seq_window.nasl TCP/IP Sequence Prediction Blind Reset Spoofing DoS