Chrome, Firefox, and Opera users beware: This isn’t the you want

Enlarge / This is how a Chrome 57 displays Note the in the address bar.

If you’re using Chrome, Firefox, or Opera to view websites, you should be aware of a weakness that can trick even savvy people into trusting malicious impostor sites that want you to download software or enter your password or credit card data.

The weakness involves the way these browsers display certain characters in the address bar. Until Google released version 58 in the past 24 hours, for instance, Chrome displayed as The latest versions of Firefox and Opera by default continue to present the same misleading address. As the screenshot above demonstrates, the corresponding website has nothing to do with Apple. Had a malicious attacker registered the underlying domain, she could have used it to push backdoored software or to trick visitors into divulging passwords or other sensitive information.

Xudong Zheng, a Web application developer who developed the look-alike site to demonstrate the threat, explained here how the attack works.

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