Electromagnetic Pulse: Pure Hollywood?

Imagine you’re in charge of a major heist. Right as your crew is about to rob the main vault, you need all of the electronics in the building to fail at exactly the right moment with no other collateral damage (except, maybe, to your raggedy panel van). Obviously you will turn to one of the entertainment industry’s tired tropes, the electromagnetic pulse! The only problem is that if you were to use a real one rather than a Hollywood prop either there would be practically no effect, a large crater where the vault used to be, or most of humanity …read more

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Cyberweapons vs. Nuclear Weapons

Good essay pointing out the absurdity of comparing cyberweapons with nuclear weapons. On the surface, the analogy is compelling. Like nuclear weapons, the most powerful cyberweapons — malware capable of permanently damaging critical infrastructure and other key assets of society — are potentially catastrophically destructive, have short delivery times across vast distances, and are nearly impossible to defend against. Moreover,… Continue reading Cyberweapons vs. Nuclear Weapons

Dodging Stray Bullets in Lebanon With The World’s First Bulletproof Headscarf

As a way to avoid casualties in celebratory gunfire, Beirut designer Salim Kadi has made a keffiyeh from Kevlar, the same plastic material used for bulletproof vests. Continue reading Dodging Stray Bullets in Lebanon With The World’s First Bulletproof Headscarf