5 Best QuickBooks Online Payroll Alternatives for 2023

Looking for an alternative to QuickBooks Online Payroll? We have compiled a list of top competitors. Find out which payroll solution fits best for your business. Continue reading 5 Best QuickBooks Online Payroll Alternatives for 2023

Giant, megawatt-scale wave energy generator to be tested in Scotland

Irish company OceanEnergy has already tested its oscillating water column generators at significant scale in Hawaii, and it’s just signed on to a four-year project to test, validate and commercialize its biggest unit yet off Orkney, in Scotland. The OE… Continue reading Giant, megawatt-scale wave energy generator to be tested in Scotland

Blowhole wave energy could soon be world’s cheapest clean power

The UniWave sea platform is an artificial blowhole that harvests energy from ocean waves. Independent analysts now predict it’ll create some of the cheapest renewable energy on the market – and some of the most reliable and predictable, as well.Continu… Continue reading Blowhole wave energy could soon be world’s cheapest clean power

Elastic, robotic generators open up strange new energy capture ideas

A new class of elastic energy converters is emerging, with the ability to capture energy from a variety of different motions. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is pushing to deploy them, first in a series of strange, bendy wave energy des… Continue reading Elastic, robotic generators open up strange new energy capture ideas

Wave-riding generators promise the cheapest clean energy ever

Sea Wave Energy Ltd (SWEL) has been working for more than a decade on a floating wave energy device it calls the Waveline Magnet. With several prototypes tested on- and off-shore, the company claims it delivers “ultra low cost,” with high output.Contin… Continue reading Wave-riding generators promise the cheapest clean energy ever

Blowhole wave energy generator exceeds expectations in 12-month test

Wave Swell Energy’s remarkable UniWave 200 is a sea platform that uses an artificial blowhole formation to create air pressure changes that drive a turbine and feed energy back to shore. After a year of testing, the company reports excellent results.Co… Continue reading Blowhole wave energy generator exceeds expectations in 12-month test

“Once-in-a-millennium” rogue wave crashes into the record books

Also known as freak or killer waves, rogue waves are those that pop up suddenly as a great deal larger than others in a given set, posing serious danger to any ships or infrastructure unfortunate enough to be in the area. Researchers are reporting a re… Continue reading “Once-in-a-millennium” rogue wave crashes into the record books

Study shows magnetic fields can act as early warning signs for tsunamis

Every minute matters in the event of a tsunami, and over the years we have seen a number of interesting ideas around how these giant waves might be better predicted ahead of time. These include monitoring underwater sound waves triggered by earthquakes… Continue reading Study shows magnetic fields can act as early warning signs for tsunamis

Water-filled nanogenerators harvest energy from just about any movement

There are energy sources all over the place, if you know where to look. Researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have now designed new modular nanogenerators that can harvest energy from a variety of different types of motion, such as … Continue reading Water-filled nanogenerators harvest energy from just about any movement