“Ultra-shock-absorbing” foam packs a plethora of carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes have found use in everything from heart-rate-monitoring shirts to smart bandages to more efficient solar cells. Now, scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have used them in a helmet lining foam that offers better impact pro… Continue reading “Ultra-shock-absorbing” foam packs a plethora of carbon nanotubes

Nanoparticle backpacks help probiotics fight inflammatory bowel disease

Probiotic bacteria can’t help improve gut health if they don’t survive the trip to the intestines. Scientists have now kitted out good bugs with protective armor and backpacks loaded with molecules that can help them treat inflammatory bowel diseases (… Continue reading Nanoparticle backpacks help probiotics fight inflammatory bowel disease

Injectable hydrogel fills surgical cavities to keep brain cancer at bay

Glioblastoma is one of the most deadly forms of cancer, often returning with a vengeance after surgery to remove it. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have now developed an immunity-boosting hydrogel that can be injected into the brain… Continue reading Injectable hydrogel fills surgical cavities to keep brain cancer at bay

Drug-releasing hydrogel keeps cancer from returning after surgery

After surgery to remove tumors, some cancer cells can be left behind where they can grow back or spread to a new part of the body. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have now developed a hydrogel that can be applied post-surgery to prev… Continue reading Drug-releasing hydrogel keeps cancer from returning after surgery

Lightweight armor material made of nanotube mats outperforms Kevlar

Weight is often a key consideration for scientists pushing the boundaries of bullet-proof materials, imagining armor that keeps the wearer safe while also improving their mobility. Engineers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have now forged a new … Continue reading Lightweight armor material made of nanotube mats outperforms Kevlar

An hour’s extra sleep puts overweight subjects into calorie deficit

As evidence continues to mount around the link between poor or insufficient sleep and the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders, a group of researchers in the US has seen fit to explore the flip side of this equation. The scientists have found that e… Continue reading An hour’s extra sleep puts overweight subjects into calorie deficit

Internal-wound-healing wafer is powered by patients’ muscles

Although we’ve already heard how electrical stimulation can help speed the healing of wounds, electrical devices themselves often can’t be implanted in soft tissue. That could soon change, though, thanks to the development of a new “piezoelectric wafer… Continue reading Internal-wound-healing wafer is powered by patients’ muscles

Rewiring the metabolism of pancreatic cells may keep diabetes in check

Through a newfound understanding of the way insulin secretion is triggered in pancreatic cells, scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have uncovered an exciting new pathway for the development of treatments for type 2 diabetes. Not only doe… Continue reading Rewiring the metabolism of pancreatic cells may keep diabetes in check

Solar flow battery efficiently stores renewable energy in liquid form

Capturing energy from the Sun with solar panels is only half the story – that energy needs to be stored somewhere for later use. In the case of flow batteries, storage is relegated to vats of liquid. Now, an international team led by University of Wisc… Continue reading Solar flow battery efficiently stores renewable energy in liquid form