Medieval eyesalve joins modern fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria

A Medieval Anglo-Saxon medical book in the British Library may hold the key to finding new ways to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Scientists at the University of Warwick have found that a medical recipe from the ancient Bald’s Leechbook is effec… Continue reading Medieval eyesalve joins modern fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Smart stir bar transmits live reports to chemists

It goes without saying that as a chemist stirs a solution in their lab, they need to check how its characteristics change. A new “Smart Stirrer” has been designed with that in mind, as it automatically detects and reports transformations.Continue Readi… Continue reading Smart stir bar transmits live reports to chemists

Strange star somehow survives supernova, shoots off across galaxy

A supernova may seem like a pretty final fate, but now astronomers have discovered a star that apparently survived this explosive process. It wasn’t without consequence, however – the star was kicked out of a tight binary orbit and flung across the gal… Continue reading Strange star somehow survives supernova, shoots off across galaxy

Study finds “memory-boosting” font doesn’t improve recall

Back in 2018 a team of Australian researchers presented a novel font called Sans Forgetica, with the claim that it helps enhance memory. A team of UK and New Zealand researchers put the font to the test, and in a newly published peer-reviewed article r… Continue reading Study finds “memory-boosting” font doesn’t improve recall

Modern iron lung designed to address ventilator shortage

British engineers are developing a modern version of the Negative Pressure Ventilator (NPV), more popularly known as the “iron lung,” to provide COVID-19 patients under the care of the NHS with a simple, inexpensive alternative to ventilators.Continue … Continue reading Modern iron lung designed to address ventilator shortage

Astronomers hope to search for radio waves broadcast from dead planets orbiting dead stars

In about five billion years’ time, the Sun will grow into a red giant, probably swallowing the Earth and putting an end to any and all life that’s still kicking then. As this material is shed off, the Sun itself will become a small, dim, whit… Continue reading Astronomers hope to search for radio waves broadcast from dead planets orbiting dead stars

Astronomers discover oddball planet that shouldn't be where it is

An exoplanet smaller than Neptune with its own atmosphere has been discovered in a Neptunian Desert

An international team of astronomers led by the University of Warwick has found a “forbidden” planet orbiting the “Neptunian Desert” of another star. Located 920 light years from Earth, exoplanet NGTS-4b is 20 percent smaller than Neptune, yet it retains an atmosphere despite being close enough to circle its star once every 1.3 days and having a surface temperature of 1,000° C (1,800° F).

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Category: Space


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