GPS alternative taps cosmic rays for underground or underwater navigation

GPS is a powerful navigation technology, but it doesn’t work as well inside buildings, underground or underwater. Now engineers in Japan have developed and tested an alternative technology that uses cosmic rays to track movement beneath a building with… Continue reading GPS alternative taps cosmic rays for underground or underwater navigation

Swappable Jizai Arms bring new meaning to “Could you lend me a hand?”

Equipping people with extra sets of robotic arms could definitely help them perform certain tasks, but what role might such arms play in social interactions? The wild-looking Jizai Arms were designed with that question in mind.Continue ReadingCategory:… Continue reading Swappable Jizai Arms bring new meaning to “Could you lend me a hand?”

Intensity of stars is related to the planet-creating dust they produce

Some stars produce dust. But unlike the stuff underneath your TV cabinet, this dust plays a major part in the total luminosity of a galaxy. In a new study, scientists have used long-term observational data to see how interstellar dust correlates with a… Continue reading Intensity of stars is related to the planet-creating dust they produce

Multi-segment shapeshifter drones: The precursors to flying squid-bots

Effectively, these bots are built in segments, and each segment has its own multicopter propulsion unit, capable of vectoring thrust in any direction thanks to multi-axis gimbal systems. The segments are joined together, but capable of articulating in … Continue reading Multi-segment shapeshifter drones: The precursors to flying squid-bots

Potentially useful new microalgae discovered in a home aquarium

Microalgae are widely used in products such as biofuels, nutritional supplements and cosmetics. A newly-described type has been found in a home aquarium – and it could prove to be particularly useful.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Algae, Univer… Continue reading Potentially useful new microalgae discovered in a home aquarium

“Hairpins” made of artificial DNA clasp and kill cancer

Researchers in Japan have demonstrated a promising new cancer treatment. The team developed artificial DNA sequences shaped like hairpins that latch onto molecules overexpressed in cancer and trigger a strong immune response.Continue ReadingCategory: M… Continue reading “Hairpins” made of artificial DNA clasp and kill cancer

“Chemical neurons” find and process data stored on DNA

Scientists have been experimenting with ways to use DNA as a data storage medium, but it’s difficult to retrieve and manipulate data written to it. Now a team has developed “chemical neurons” that can conduct calculations on data stored in DNA and read… Continue reading “Chemical neurons” find and process data stored on DNA

Dancing rats hint at surprise ability of animals to move to a beat

The ability to pick up the beat in a song and predict its timing, perhaps even shaking your hips to it if you’re that adept on the dance floor, is thought to be skill unique to humans. Known as beat synchronicity, new research suggests this may well ex… Continue reading Dancing rats hint at surprise ability of animals to move to a beat

In order to make driverless cars safer … give them big eyes?

When crossing the road in front of a car, pedestrians should make eye contact with the driver, to make sure they’ve been seen. However, what if the car has no driver? New research suggests that the vehicle should then have eyes of its own.Continue Read… Continue reading In order to make driverless cars safer … give them big eyes?

Discovery explains how unkillable tardigrades survive without water

Scientists studying the biology of the tardigrade have filled in important new details around how the tiny aquatic creature can survive the harshest of conditions. The discovery centers on a newfound mechanism that kicks into gear as dehydration sets i… Continue reading Discovery explains how unkillable tardigrades survive without water