New species of ichthyosaur was likely a deep-diving squid-eater

Ichthyosaurs were intriguing prehistoric aquatic creatures, in that they looked kind of like dolphins but were actually reptiles. Scientists have now classified a previously-unknown species, that distinguished itself by diving deep.Continue ReadingCate… Continue reading New species of ichthyosaur was likely a deep-diving squid-eater

Newly discovered pterosaur walked along the shore to feed on worms

If the movie Jurassic World is to be believed, pterosaurs could easily catch and eat human-sized prey. A newly discovered species of the prehistoric flying reptile wouldn’t have posed much of a threat to us, however, as it likely fed more like a modern… Continue reading Newly discovered pterosaur walked along the shore to feed on worms

Did pterosaurs have feathers? Scientific debate takes flight in new study

Debate is raging about whether pterosaurs, flying reptiles that lived alongside the dinosaurs, had feathers or not. Two years ago a study claimed to have found fossil evidence of “protofeathers” on pterosaurs, but now another team claims the evidence d… Continue reading Did pterosaurs have feathers? Scientific debate takes flight in new study

Engineered “super-enzyme” gobbles plastic waste at six times the speed

Back in 2018, scientists in Japan made the key discovery of a bacterium with a natural appetite for PET plastics. This raised the prospect of a low-cost solution to some of the most common forms of plastic pollution, and now scientists have used this b… Continue reading Engineered “super-enzyme” gobbles plastic waste at six times the speed

Huge cache of teeth seal Spinosaurus as a swimming dinosaur

Earlier this year, paleontologists proved Jurassic Park wrong yet again by discovering that the superpredator Spinosaurus was the first water-dwelling dinosaur. Now some of the same team has found further evidence, with a huge deposit of teeth recovere… Continue reading Huge cache of teeth seal Spinosaurus as a swimming dinosaur

Scientists distill radioactive-free vodka from Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

For the daring tippler, scientists from Ukraine and the University of Portsmouth led by Professor Jim Smith have distilled an artisan “radioactive-free” vodka made from ingredients from the Exclusion Zone around the Chernobyl nuclear reactor … Continue reading Scientists distill radioactive-free vodka from Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Elderly scam victims are too embarrassed to speak up

Financial talk itself is taboo. Admitting to getting fleeced and losing all your savings? That qualifies as super taboo, a new report says. Continue reading Elderly scam victims are too embarrassed to speak up