Trained sniffer dogs detect coronavirus with 94-percent success rate

Earlier this year, we looked at a research project in the UK where scientists were exploring how dogs could be trained to sniff out signs of the novel coronavirus. Similar ventures are now being carried out around the world, including one at Germany’s … Continue reading Trained sniffer dogs detect coronavirus with 94-percent success rate

Despite denials, study claims 2017's mysterious radioactive cloud did come from Russia

Despite continued denials from Russia, a new study convincingly pins the source of a mysterious radioactive ...

A radioactive cloud spread over Europe in late 2017. Despite official denials, all the evidence pointed to Russia. A new study tracking over 1,000 atmospheric measurements suggests an unreported nuclear accident did likely occur at the Mayak facility in the Southern Ural mountains of Russia.

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Category: Environment


Continue reading Despite denials, study claims 2017's mysterious radioactive cloud did come from Russia