Placing pills outside the ISS to help astronauts make medicines in space

The latest resupply mission to the International Space Station (ISS) is carrying a very special shipment of pills from the University of Adelaide as part of a project to develop techniques to allow astronauts to manufacture pharmaceuticals on long deep… Continue reading Placing pills outside the ISS to help astronauts make medicines in space

Large study shows testosterone therapy reduces diabetes risk in men

As males age they experience a natural and gradual decline in testosterone, and research has established a relationship between low levels of the hormone and increased incidence of type 2 diabetes. In what is described as the largest study of testoster… Continue reading Large study shows testosterone therapy reduces diabetes risk in men

World’s smallest imaging device can 3D-scan inside your blood vessels

An Australian/German team has developed the world’s smallest imaging device, at the thickness of a human hair. It’s capable of traveling down the blood vessels of mice, offering unprecedented abilities to 3D-scan the body at microscopic resolutions.Con… Continue reading World’s smallest imaging device can 3D-scan inside your blood vessels

Traces of two unknown archaic human species turn up in modern DNA

Fossils are the most reliable way we can piece together the history of humans, but some clues have been inside us all along. The human genome can tell us where we’ve come from, and it’s hiding more than a few surprises. Now researchers from t… Continue reading Traces of two unknown archaic human species turn up in modern DNA

Rock radioactivity may tell the tale of long-lost continents on early Earth's crust

Rock radioactivity models suggest that long-lost continents may have arisen and fallen on Earth's crust earlier ...

Earth has had a tumultuous past, so it’s hard to get a clear idea of those wild early days. But a new study by researchers from the University of Adelaide raises the possibility that continents may have risen out of the sea much earlier than is currently believed, before being destroyed once again by tectonic activity.

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Category: Science


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