Micro-AUV tech designed to keep secret underwater missions under wraps

While AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles) are often used for scientific studies, they’re sometimes also utilized in more secretive applications, such as surveillance and reconnaissance. A new system helps hide their location, by having them deploy a … Continue reading Micro-AUV tech designed to keep secret underwater missions under wraps

SeaSearcher drone is set to take the treasure-hunting world by storm

As any frequent viewer of the Discovery Channel will know, the search for sunken treasure typically involves sifting through the sand, just hoping to unearth gold or silver. The SeaSearcher underwater drone, however, may soon point clients right to the… Continue reading SeaSearcher drone is set to take the treasure-hunting world by storm

MEDUSA aerial drone deploys an underwater pod to gather aquatic data

Although aerial drones can travel much faster than their underwater counterparts, they certainly aren’t as good at gathering water-related data. The MEDUSA multi-rotor drone addresses this conundrum, by landing on the water and deploying an underwater … Continue reading MEDUSA aerial drone deploys an underwater pod to gather aquatic data

Amphibious drone uses remora-inspired disc to hitch underwater rides

While we have heard of a few aerial drones that are also able to operate underwater, a new one takes that concept considerably further. Using a fish-inspired suction disc, it can hitch rides underwater – possibly even on submarines – to save battery po… Continue reading Amphibious drone uses remora-inspired disc to hitch underwater rides

Spider uses film of air to hide underwater for over half an hour

Last year, we heard how anole lizards are able to breathe underwater from an air bubble on their nose. One of the scientists involved in that study has now documented a spider doing something similar – although the bubble covers its whole body.Continue… Continue reading Spider uses film of air to hide underwater for over half an hour

Hydrus packs autonomous ocean exploration tech into a much smaller package

While AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles) are invaluable for gathering oceanographic data, they also tend to be fairly large and very expensive. The Hydrus offers a much smaller, less costly alternative, which still packs a lot of punch.Continue Read… Continue reading Hydrus packs autonomous ocean exploration tech into a much smaller package

Solar cells used to boost wireless underwater communications

Radio waves don’t travel well through water, which is why devices such as ROVS (remotely operated vehicles) have to be linked to their operator via a communications cable. According to a new study, however, solar panels may soon allow for practical und… Continue reading Solar cells used to boost wireless underwater communications

The winners of the 2022 Underwater Photographer of the Year awards

From oceans to lakes to swimming pools, the Underwater Photographer of the Year contest celebrates all kinds of images taken from below the water’s surface. This year delivers the competition’s most spectacular batch of winners to date including an ext… Continue reading The winners of the 2022 Underwater Photographer of the Year awards