Swordfish tender will be able to travel above or below the waves

More than 10 years ago, François-Alexandre Bertrand came up with a concept for a novel above/below watercraft that he naturally named the Platypus. The first Blue Ocean edition was sold last year and now his company has launched a new version, the Plat… Continue reading Swordfish tender will be able to travel above or below the waves

Aqua-Fi could bring Wi-Fi-like tech to the underwater world

Radio waves travel poorly through the water, which makes it difficult for divers or submersibles to wirelessly transmit information to the surface. Scientists are trying to change that, though, by developing an underwater version of Wi-Fi.Continue Read… Continue reading Aqua-Fi could bring Wi-Fi-like tech to the underwater world

Underwater Crawling Soft Robot Stays in Shape

When you think of robots that were modeled after animals, a brittle star is probably not the first species that comes to mind. Still, this is the animal that inspired [Zach J. Patterson] and his research colleagues from Carnegie Mellon University for their underwater crawling robot PATRICK.

PATRICK is a …read more

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U-Boat Worx launches lightest submersible ever built

Dutch submersible maker U-Boat Worx has pumped out a number of underwater explorers since launching in 2005, and has now unveiled what’s claimed to be the lightest manned submersible ever built. The Nemo can be towed on a trailer by car for launch from… Continue reading U-Boat Worx launches lightest submersible ever built

Robotic sea turtle shows promise as fish farm inspector

Marine aquaculture pens have to be regularly checked for holes, plus the fish need to be inspected for disease or parasites. And although the job is typically performed by human divers, it turns out that a robotic sea turtle may be a better choice for … Continue reading Robotic sea turtle shows promise as fish farm inspector

Robotic Eels Take Care of Undersea Pipelines

We can’t tell if the Eelume actually exists, or if it’s just a good CG and a design concept, but when we saw the video below, we wanted to start working on our version of it immediately. What’s an Eelume? A robotic eel that lives permanently under the ocean.

If …read more

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Wave-powered AUV stations could replace crewed support ships

Although autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are electrically-powered, they’re typically launched from fuel-burning surface support vessels. A new system is being designed to replace those ships with more environmentally-friendly wave-powered underwa… Continue reading Wave-powered AUV stations could replace crewed support ships

Mini RC Helicopter Becomes Even Smaller Submarine

We often think of submarines as fairly complex pieces of machinery, and for good reason. Keeping the electronics watertight can naturally be quite difficult, and maintaining neutral buoyancy while traveling underwater is a considerable engineering challenge. But it turns out that if you’re willing to skip out on those fairly …read more

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