The ’80s Multi-Processor System That Never Was

Until the early 2000s, the computer processors available on the market were essentially all single-core chips. There were some niche layouts that used multiple processors on the same board for …read more Continue reading The ’80s Multi-Processor System That Never Was

Mostly armless: A starfish is one big “head crawling along the seafloor”

Patrick Star of SpongeBob SquarePants fame had already stretched the boundaries of anatomical correctness, yet it turns out that what all of us think about the bodily composition of a sea star is most likely wrong, thanks to new genetic work that sugge… Continue reading Mostly armless: A starfish is one big “head crawling along the seafloor”

‘Head-butting’ dinosaurs may have flaunted Fresh Prince flat-tops instead

Dome-skulled dinosaurs may have looked less like Friar Tuck and more like the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. New fossil finds suggest they may have had big bristly ornaments on their heads, and might not have butted heads like they do in the movies.Continue … Continue reading ‘Head-butting’ dinosaurs may have flaunted Fresh Prince flat-tops instead

Salted crops seen as powerful tool to combat climate crisis

Salt is one of the oldest and most famous preservatives around. But could it be used to preserve carbon deep underground for thousands of years? Researchers believe it can, and that it just might offer a way forward in combating the atmospheric carbon … Continue reading Salted crops seen as powerful tool to combat climate crisis

Synthetic proteins simplify nature to outperform the real thing

Creating synthetic proteins is a promising avenue of study, but could we take shortcuts on nature’s blueprint and make more efficient versions? Scientists at UC Berkeley have found that simpler combos of synthetic building blocks can make for protein a… Continue reading Synthetic proteins simplify nature to outperform the real thing

Crab-inspired robot uses fabric-stretching legs to bury itself

The tiny Pacific mole crab (Emerita analoga) has a unique talent, in that it can burrow straight down into the sand using its flexible legs. An experimental new robot copies that capability, and it could actually have some practical applications.Contin… Continue reading Crab-inspired robot uses fabric-stretching legs to bury itself

Passive-tilting rotors shown to boost drone speed and efficiency

Ordinarily, quadcopter drones have to tilt their front end downward when flying forward, increasing their frontal area and thus increasing drag. An experimental new drone gets around this problem, by only tilting its rotors.Continue ReadingCategory: Dr… Continue reading Passive-tilting rotors shown to boost drone speed and efficiency

Electronic circuit degrades on demand into recyclable pieces

Old electronics are tricky to recycle, meaning they clog up landfills while locking valuable metals away. Now scientists have demonstrated printed circuits that can be degraded on demand, returning their materials to reusable forms.Continue ReadingCate… Continue reading Electronic circuit degrades on demand into recyclable pieces