Protein linked to muscle development could be new atrophy treatment target

Researchers have identified a protein that’s critical to the development of skeletal muscle mass and strength and the tissue’s ability to metabolize glucose. They say their findings may lead to treatments for the muscle wasting that can occur in diseas… Continue reading Protein linked to muscle development could be new atrophy treatment target

World’s fastest carbon capture system claims 99% efficiency in ambient air

As carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere, it won’t be enough to simply curb our emissions – we’ll need to actively remove some of what we’ve already released. In a new advance, researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have developed a new co… Continue reading World’s fastest carbon capture system claims 99% efficiency in ambient air

Liquid salt greases wheels of high-density lithium metal battery design

Scientists at Japan’s Tokyo Metropolitan University have taken aim at a common problem plaguing next-generation lithium metal batteries, finding a promising solution in a salty liquid that reduces problematic resistance between key components. The resu… Continue reading Liquid salt greases wheels of high-density lithium metal battery design

“Acoustic tweezers” lift tiny ball off a board with nothing but sound

Futuristic it may seem, but the idea of using sound waves to levitate tiny objects is something we’ve seen demonstrated in a number of interesting ways. Scientists in Japan have now added another one to the list that might just bring this experimental … Continue reading “Acoustic tweezers” lift tiny ball off a board with nothing but sound

Newly discovered prawn-eating centipede is the largest in Japan

If something were the largest in its region, you’d think that it would be well-documented. Such has not been the case with a newly discovered centipede, however, which is now the biggest known species in Japan and Taiwan.Continue ReadingCategory: Biolo… Continue reading Newly discovered prawn-eating centipede is the largest in Japan

Traumatic memories erased in fruit flies by keeping them in the dark

Long-term memories associated with shocking events can be profoundly damaging to sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder, but could there be a way for science to intervene and lessen the psychological harm? Researchers at Tokyo Metropolitan Univers… Continue reading Traumatic memories erased in fruit flies by keeping them in the dark