Frankenshed rises from the dead to win 2023 Shed of the Year

The winner of 2023’s Cuprinol Shed of the Year competition has been announced. Londoner Archie Proudfoot was chosen for his Frankenshed, which involved bringing a ruined old shed back to life with recycled materials and decorative artwork.Continue Read… Continue reading Frankenshed rises from the dead to win 2023 Shed of the Year

Skinny house stays nice and breezy on cramped inner-city plot

Commissioned to create a home on a cramped inner-city plot in Vietnam, STD Design Consultant has managed to squeeze in a tall and skinny residence named the Chic Vid House that features an operable facade to control the ventilation and sunlight inside…. Continue reading Skinny house stays nice and breezy on cramped inner-city plot

Two tiny homes become one extraordinary Boho Duplex

We’ve seen tiny houses that extend upwards and others that extend outwards, but the Boho Duplex is the first tiny house we’ve seen that’s actually two homes in one. Designed by Escape, the project consists of a pair of separate dwellings in one shell, … Continue reading Two tiny homes become one extraordinary Boho Duplex

All-weather tiny house goes short and wide for more room inside

Canada’s Minimaliste often produces large tiny houses that are built to withstand extreme weather. Its latest model continues in a similar vein, but has a reduced physical footprint and offers a well-designed interior layout for two people.Continue Rea… Continue reading All-weather tiny house goes short and wide for more room inside

Tiny but versatile Browny makes room for work and play

Tiny houses have never been just for living in, and over the years we’ve seen the small-living movement play host to everything from a wedding chapel to a children’s playroom. The Browny, by France’s Baluchon, is another good example of their versatili… Continue reading Tiny but versatile Browny makes room for work and play

Rising Sun squeezes home for two into a single shipping container

Architects never seem to tire of using shipping containers as a source of inspiration, with the simple metal boxes used to create everything from massive soccer stadiums to offices. Tiny houses are of course another popular use for them and this debut … Continue reading Rising Sun squeezes home for two into a single shipping container

Tiny houses that transform to overcome limits of small living

Squeezing a comfortable interior into a tiny house is always a challenge given the size constraints. However, some firms attempt to overcome this with clever design that allows them to transform in size and shape.Continue ReadingCategory: Tiny Houses, … Continue reading Tiny houses that transform to overcome limits of small living

Mina tiny house nets a light-filled reading space

This latest tiny house by French designer Baluchon, the Mina, mitigates its limited available floorspace by squeezing in an additional netted loft area upstairs. It’s intended as a reading space and general hangout area, and is topped by a large operab… Continue reading Mina tiny house nets a light-filled reading space

Not-so-tiny Purple Heart Manor pushes the boundaries of small living

If tiny houses get much bigger than the Purple Heart Manor, we might need to start using a new name for them. Designed by Canada’s Acorn Tiny Homes, this massive towable dwelling is inspired by the owner’s love of Medieval literature and the color purp… Continue reading Not-so-tiny Purple Heart Manor pushes the boundaries of small living

Compact tiny house has a deck up top and space-saving layout inside

The latest model by Modern Tiny Living highlights the firm’s clever approach to maximizing limited space. Named Pathway, the towable home has a length of just 8 ft (5.4 m), boasts has a rooftop deck, and features a smart interior that includes a pulley… Continue reading Compact tiny house has a deck up top and space-saving layout inside