Radar given telescope-like ability to collect data on space dust

When you look into the night sky and see a shooting star, it might look like something very big, but the odds are that it’s a meteor the size of a dust mote. A team of scientists led by Ryou Ohsawa from the Institute of Astronomy at the University of T… Continue reading Radar given telescope-like ability to collect data on space dust

Survey of Milky Way yields huge 50,000 x 25,000-pixel zoomable image

A team of astronomers has completed a massive survey of the Milky Way’s central bulge, which captured the light fingerprint of over 250 million stars, and could help provide new insights into our galaxy’s history and creation. A massive 50,000 x 25,000… Continue reading Survey of Milky Way yields huge 50,000 x 25,000-pixel zoomable image

World’s largest camera sensor snaps first ever 3,200-megapixel photos

A next-generation imaging instrument built to probe the universe’s biggest mysteries has been put through a practice run and pieced together the largest photos ever taken as a result. The focal plane for what will be the world’s largest digital camera … Continue reading World’s largest camera sensor snaps first ever 3,200-megapixel photos

Numerica telescope tracks satellites in broad daylight

Given how many satellites and bits of orbital debris are now orbiting the Earth, it’s becoming increasingly important to keep track of where they all are. A new telescope system allows space agencies and other clients to do so – even in broad daylight…. Continue reading Numerica telescope tracks satellites in broad daylight

Astronomers spot closest Earth-buzzing asteroid ever recorded

Astronomers have identified an asteroid that’s just made the closest pass to Earth ever recorded – and it was only spotted after it had passed. The object skimmed Earth’s atmosphere over the weekend, close enough to have its orbit changed by the planet… Continue reading Astronomers spot closest Earth-buzzing asteroid ever recorded

Arecibo Observatory damaged in accident, operations suspended

Science operations have been suspended at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico after the radio telescope was damaged on Monday August 10. An auxiliary cable supporting a platform appears to have snapped and fallen, damaging the dish.Continue ReadingC… Continue reading Arecibo Observatory damaged in accident, operations suspended

Pentax binoculars are an optical multitool for inquisitive eyes

Ricoh Imaging this week launched the Pentax V sport optics series, which will include both binoculars and monoculars. In fact, with its first product, it already includes both. The all-new Pentax VD 4×20 WP is an innovative multifunctional optical tool… Continue reading Pentax binoculars are an optical multitool for inquisitive eyes

Stadium-sized balloon to carry NASA telescope to the edge of space

Balloons may seem like an outdated mode of transportation, but for high-flying scientific instruments they’re making a comeback. NASA has unveiled ASTHROS, a new infrared telescope that will be carried to the edge of space by a balloon the size of a fo… Continue reading Stadium-sized balloon to carry NASA telescope to the edge of space

Astronomers identify the best spot on the planet for a telescope

An international team of astronomers has identified what may be the best spot on Earth to stick a telescope. According to the study, a high plateau in eastern Antarctica would have an exceptionally clear view of the stars, even outperforming other loca… Continue reading Astronomers identify the best spot on the planet for a telescope

Pandemic causes new delay for launch of James Webb Space Telescope

NASA and ESA have announced that the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope has been delayed once again. Thanks largely to the COVID-19 pandemic, the launch will be bumped to October 2021.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTags: Astronomy, NASA,… Continue reading Pandemic causes new delay for launch of James Webb Space Telescope