Who and What Is Coinhive?

Multiple security firms recently identified cryptocurrency mining service Coinhive as the top malicious threat to Web users, thanks to the tendency for Coinhive’s computer code to be used on hacked Web sites to steal the processing power of its visitors’ devices. This post looks at how Coinhive vaulted to the top of the threat list less than a year after its debut, and explores clues about the possible identities of the individuals behind the service. Continue reading Who and What Is Coinhive?

Google, Intel, Mozilla, and Starbucks – Application Security Weekly #00

In the Application Security News, Paul and Keith talk about impatient employers designing their own courses, measurable CPU differences in AWS from Intel CPU vulnerabilities, the CEO of Intel selling a gigantic amount of stock, and Starbucks Wi-Fi mine… Continue reading Google, Intel, Mozilla, and Starbucks – Application Security Weekly #00

In-Store WiFi Provider Used Starbucks Website to Generate Monero Coins

By Waqas
The value of Bitcoin is increasing rapidly making it almost impossible
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: In-Store WiFi Provider Used Starbucks Website to Generate Monero Coins
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Hacking iBeacons For Automating Routines

Every self-respecting hacker has an automation hack somewhere in his/her bag of tricks. There are a lot of modern-day technologies that facilitate the functionality like GPS, scripting apps, and even IFTTT. In an interesting hack, [Nick Lee] has combined iBeacons and a reverse engineered Starbucks API to create an automated morning routine.

By creating a mobile app that scans for iBeacons, [Nick Lee] was able to reduce the effort made every morning while heading to his office. When the app encounters a relevant beacon, a NodeJS app sitting in the cloud is triggered. This consequently leads to desired actions like …read more

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