BIND connector keeps the “stretch” in stretchable electronic devices

While the field of stretchable electronics does hold a lot of promise, joining the components of such devices together can be tricky. A new connector is designed to help, as it stretches between the components, plus it links them to one another in a ma… Continue reading BIND connector keeps the “stretch” in stretchable electronic devices

Sea-creature-inspired linked robots could explore alien oceans

If you’re designing robots for the exploration of oceans on other planets, you want something that’s tough, versatile and easy to store in a spacecraft. It turns out that soft-bodied robots inspired by a marine organism may be the perfect choice.Contin… Continue reading Sea-creature-inspired linked robots could explore alien oceans

Modular voxel tech could bring swimming robots into the mainstream

Bioinspired underwater robots that swim by undulating their bodies may be more energy-efficient than their rigid counterparts, but they’re also quite difficult to build. That could soon change however, thanks to a new modular robotics system.Continue R… Continue reading Modular voxel tech could bring swimming robots into the mainstream

Soft-robotic wearable helps people with ALS to raise their arms

People suffering from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) often have difficulty raising their arms, due to deterioration of cells in their brain and spinal cord. A new wearable system is designed to help, utilizing a pair of under-arm balloons.Continue… Continue reading Soft-robotic wearable helps people with ALS to raise their arms

Tiny eBiobots use LEDs and muscle tissue for real-time remote control

Back in 2012, we heard about tiny biped “biobot” robots that used actual muscle tissue to walk. Well, the descendants of those bots are now equipped with LEDs, which allow them to be remotely steered in a practical fashion.Continue ReadingCategory: Rob… Continue reading Tiny eBiobots use LEDs and muscle tissue for real-time remote control

New rubbery film rockets into the air like a grasshopper

In a serendipitous discovery, engineers at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) have developed a material that first deforms and then shoots into the air when it is heated. The researchers say the material could one day be used to help soft … Continue reading New rubbery film rockets into the air like a grasshopper

MIT implantable ventilator could literally let patients breathe easier

It’s a sad fact that people with conditions such as muscular dystrophy and ALS often have difficulty breathing, as their diaphragm muscle doesn’t work properly. MIT scientists have set out to give that muscle a boost, with an implantable ventilator.Con… Continue reading MIT implantable ventilator could literally let patients breathe easier

Quick soft-bodied robots move at the speed of a hair clip

In order for a soft-bodied robot to be practical, it has to be simple, light and energy-efficient, yet still reasonably quick. A newly developed mechanism fits the bill, and it’s inspired by the humble hair clip.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, Tech… Continue reading Quick soft-bodied robots move at the speed of a hair clip

Ketchup bottles inspire new method of moving soft-bodied robots

Plastic ketchup bottles have a valve in the lid that opens to let ketchup out, and that sometimes “sputters” if the bottle is squeezed too hard. Dutch scientists have copied that mechanism to create an actuator that could be used in autonomous soft rob… Continue reading Ketchup bottles inspire new method of moving soft-bodied robots

Swimming robot performs butterfly to move with unmatched speed

Scientists regularly draw ideas from the natural world in a bid to improve robotic performance, and when it comes to soft robots that swim, motion in the ocean is a rich source of inspiration. The latest creation to emerge in this space is a soft robot… Continue reading Swimming robot performs butterfly to move with unmatched speed