“Salmon cannon” successor automatically shoots fish up over dams

Back in 2014, we heard about a so-called “fish gun” or “salmon cannon” that safely shot spawning fish up over river-blocking obstacles such as dams. Its successor is now in use, offering a couple of key advantages over the original system.Continue Read… Continue reading “Salmon cannon” successor automatically shoots fish up over dams

Targeting Rivers To Keep Plastic Pollution Out of the Ocean

Since the widespread manufacture of plastics began in earnest in the early 1950s, plastic pollution in the environment has become a major global problem. Nowhere is this more evident than the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. A large ocean gyre that has become a swirling vortex full of slowly decaying plastic …read more

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Study reveals first sign of river plastics traveling up the food chain

According to the UN Environment Programme, we’ve produced more than eight billion metric tonnes of plastic since the early 1950s, with around 60 percent of that not recycled. It is very difficult for researchers to track the path of this waste when not… Continue reading Study reveals first sign of river plastics traveling up the food chain

Antibiotics found in world's rivers at levels up to 300 times above safe levels

A new study has found that in over 100 of 700 river samples taken, antibiotic concentrations ...

In a massive global study, led by researchers at the University of York, hundreds of rivers around the world have been tested for levels of common antibiotics. The study found 65 percent of all samples contained some concentration of antibiotics, with the worst cases showing levels more than 300 times higher than the generally accepted safe threshold.

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Category: Environment


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The Illuminated Waterways of the United States

A recent convert to the ways of the laser cutter, redditor [i-made-a-thing] was in want of a project and — stumbling on some waterways maps on Etsy — launched into fabricating an illuminated map of all the waterways in the United States.

The map itself was laser-cut out of 1/4 inch plywood at his local makerspace. Thing is, smaller rivers and tributaries were too narrow at the scale [i-made-a-thing] wanted, so he ended up spending several hours in Photoshop preparing the image so larger rivers would be laser-cut — and not break off– while the rest would be etched onto …read more

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