Wall-climbing Magnecko robot is like a cross between a gecko and a spider

Inspections of tall metal structures or machines can be difficult for people to perform up-close and in person, and while aerial drones may help, their limited battery life is a problem. That’s where the magnetic-footed Magnecko robot is intended to co… Continue reading Wall-climbing Magnecko robot is like a cross between a gecko and a spider

Quadruped robot uses satellite tools to walk along a balance beam

While quadruped robots may surpass their wheeled counterparts at traversing rough terrain, they still aren’t able to maintain their balance when moving along narrow ridges. That could change, though, as scientists have devised a method of allowing them… Continue reading Quadruped robot uses satellite tools to walk along a balance beam

Quadruped robot uses satellite tools to walk along a balance beam

While quadruped robots may surpass their wheeled counterparts at traversing rough terrain, they still aren’t able to maintain their balance when moving along narrow ridges. That could change, though, as scientists have devised a method of allowing them… Continue reading Quadruped robot uses satellite tools to walk along a balance beam

MARVEL quadruped robot uses magnetic feet to walk up metal walls

Many people are already creeped out by quadruped robots, which walk on four legs instead of rolling on wheels or tracks. Well, the MARVEL robot likely won’t do much to change such feelings, as it can walk straight up ferromagnetic metal walls.Continue … Continue reading MARVEL quadruped robot uses magnetic feet to walk up metal walls

Mini Pupper 2 makes a bid to be your new hackable robo-dog pal

Last year, Hong Kong’s MangDang gave programmers the chance to own a small hackable four-legged robot named the Mini Pupper, a kind of baby Spot. Now the team has returned to Kickstarter with a much-improved second generation robo-dog.Continue ReadingC… Continue reading Mini Pupper 2 makes a bid to be your new hackable robo-dog pal