Sun-powered water filter excels at killing pathogens

There are many parts of the world in which fresh water may be plentiful, but it’s also full of harmful microbes. An experimental new filter is able to purify such water for drinking, and it’s powered solely by sunlight.Continue ReadingCategory: Good Th… Continue reading Sun-powered water filter excels at killing pathogens

Purifying hydrogel tablet makes river water drinkable within an hour

Access to clean water is a major unmet need in many parts of the world. Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have developed a new hydrogel tablet that could help, with a prototype able to disinfect a liter of river water in one hour.Continu… Continue reading Purifying hydrogel tablet makes river water drinkable within an hour

Charged graphene foam acts as “uranium magnet” for water purification

Is there anything graphene can’t do? Researchers at MIT have found yet another use for the over-achieving wonder material, by making a reusable filter out of graphene oxide foam that acts like a magnet for uranium, effectively pulling the radioactive e… Continue reading Charged graphene foam acts as “uranium magnet” for water purification

New solar still uses a rotating cylinder to produce more potable water

In many arid regions, people use devices known as solar stills to extract drinkable water from seawater or tainted water. A new type of solar still is claimed to be much more effective than others, by incorporating a rotating cylinder.Continue ReadingC… Continue reading New solar still uses a rotating cylinder to produce more potable water

Spongey filter releases purified lake water when set in the sun

Ironically, many of the places that most require water purification have the least-developed infrastructure. That’s where a new filtration device comes in, as it’s activated by the sun – and it’s said to perform better than other solar-powered purifica… Continue reading Spongey filter releases purified lake water when set in the sun

Tiny ozone generator could find use in water-purifying appliances

Although ozone is often used to disinfect water in settings such as treatment plants, the required equipment is typically too large for use in small appliances like water coolers. A new miniaturized ozone generator, however, may be about to change that… Continue reading Tiny ozone generator could find use in water-purifying appliances

Solar power, wood and bacteria join forces to purify water for drinking

Evaporation is one of the most enduring methods of purifying water to make it drinkable. Now researchers at the University of Science and Technology of China have developed a novel device made of wood that can do just that, by employing bacteria to hel… Continue reading Solar power, wood and bacteria join forces to purify water for drinking

Aerogel quickly and cheaply purifies water – by turning it to steam

By converting liquid salt water – or tainted water – into steam, it’s possible to obtain pure, clean drinking water. Doing so could soon be cheaper and easier than ever, thanks to a newly developed material.Continue ReadingCategory: Good Thinking, Life… Continue reading Aerogel quickly and cheaply purifies water – by turning it to steam

Electrified nanocarbon cleanses polluted water of toxic heavy metals

The presence of toxic metals in water stemming from industrial sources makes treatment a tall order, with these polluted liquids capable of contaminating groundwater supplies for years or even decades thereafter. Scientists at Japan’s Nagoya University… Continue reading Electrified nanocarbon cleanses polluted water of toxic heavy metals