Scientists name the top plants for bumblebee-friendly gardens

A study of nearly 23,000 interactions between different species of bumblebees and flowers has determined what these environmentally important fuzzy buzzers like to dine on. The information will help professional and amateur conservationists cater to th… Continue reading Scientists name the top plants for bumblebee-friendly gardens

Pomegranate extract has an appetite for waterborne pharmaceuticals

In recent years, pomegranate-derived compounds have been shown to slow cellular aging, protect unborn babies’ brains, and serve as additives in better automotive materials. Now, they’ve also been used to remove pharmaceuticals from wastewater.Continue … Continue reading Pomegranate extract has an appetite for waterborne pharmaceuticals

How moss makes better soil and helps combat climate change

Mosses are one of the planet’s most common – and undervalued – plants. A large new study has finally given moss the recognition it deserves, highlighting its importance in maintaining Earth’s ecosystems and its potential for reducing our carbon footpri… Continue reading How moss makes better soil and helps combat climate change

Colorado chili pepper fossil discovery may upend evolutionary timeline

Fossilized plants can provide much information about plant diversification and the planet’s geography and evolution. Researchers have discovered an ancient chili pepper from Colorado that may upend our understanding of when and where the plant originat… Continue reading Colorado chili pepper fossil discovery may upend evolutionary timeline

First 4D-printed, shape-changing ‘seed robot’ to monitor the environment

Italian researchers have created a novel 4D-printed biodegradable soft robot shaped like a seed that changes shape in response to changes in humidity and can navigate through the soil. The device has great potential as a new way of monitoring the envir… Continue reading First 4D-printed, shape-changing ‘seed robot’ to monitor the environment

Wearable plant patch monitors for disease, environmental stressors

We may be one step closer to using technology to ensure productive, disease-free crops, thanks to the development of a multifunctional electronic patch ‘worn’ by plants that monitors for the presence of pathogens and environmental stressors.Continue Re… Continue reading Wearable plant patch monitors for disease, environmental stressors

Plant-and-wood-based material is strong, yet dissolves when discarded

While reusing cutlery is always better than discarding it, most people aren’t going to be packing a knife and fork whenever they grab some fast food. With that fact in mind, scientists have designed a recyclable plant-and-wood-based material that disso… Continue reading Plant-and-wood-based material is strong, yet dissolves when discarded

Ants and plants: A 60-million-year-old evolutionary friendship

Ants can be found in huge numbers in almost all of the world’s regions and habitats. But how did they become the most populous, highly diverse insect species on the planet? Scientists may have an answer, and it has to do with plants.Continue ReadingCat… Continue reading Ants and plants: A 60-million-year-old evolutionary friendship

Listen in as stressed plants pop off about their discomfort

If a plant is stressed but no one hears it, does it still make a sound? While that’s not quite the way the saying goes, researchers have discovered that the answer to the question is a resounding “yes.” By monitoring tomato and tobacco plants, they dis… Continue reading Listen in as stressed plants pop off about their discomfort