Thermal power cell harvests electricity from heat at record efficiency

A new heat-to-energy converter has reached a record efficiency of 44% – the average steam turbine manages about 35%, for comparison. This thermophotovoltaic cell is a major step on the way to sustainable, grid-scale renewable energy storage.Continue Re… Continue reading Thermal power cell harvests electricity from heat at record efficiency

Solar panels in your eyeballs: Self-powered bionics are on the way

Implanting tiny solar panels into people’s eyeballs may sound like science fiction, but that’s exactly what a team of Australian scientists are working on. The next-gen tech could vastly improve quality of life for people with incurable eye diseases.Co… Continue reading Solar panels in your eyeballs: Self-powered bionics are on the way

Ultrathin, wireless, light-operated pacemaker cuts invasive surgery

Scientists at the University of Chicago have developed a new pacemaker that’s thinner than a human hair, wireless and operated entirely by light from an optic fiber. The non-invasive device could help regulate heart activity or even stimulate neurons i… Continue reading Ultrathin, wireless, light-operated pacemaker cuts invasive surgery

Bumpy solar cells could harvest up to 66% more energy

Solar cell efficiency may get a bump from bumps. New research suggests that building tiny domes into the surface of organic solar cells could boost their efficiency by up to two-thirds, while capturing light from a wider angle.Continue ReadingCategory:… Continue reading Bumpy solar cells could harvest up to 66% more energy

Sun on the Run: Diving into Solar with a Mobile PV System

For obvious reasons, there has been a lot of interest in small-scale residential solar power systems lately. Even in my neck of the woods, where the sun doesn’t shine much …read more Continue reading Sun on the Run: Diving into Solar with a Mobile PV System

Solar Generator Mars Bot stores electricity by moving with the sun

Portable photovoltaic systems are great for generating electricity while off the grid, but constantly moving them to keep them in the sunlight can be a hassle. Jackery’s Solar Generator Mars Bot offers a solution to that problem, as it moves itself.Con… Continue reading Solar Generator Mars Bot stores electricity by moving with the sun

Renewable energy rides solar cycle paths through Dutch provinces

The Dutch love to cycle. So much so that there are more than 35,000 km (over 56,000 miles) of cycle paths snaking through the Netherlands. Two of those bike routes have now been topped with photovoltaic cells to produce renewable energy while they face… Continue reading Renewable energy rides solar cycle paths through Dutch provinces

Rapid-deployment solar arrays cut energy cost up to 20%, says 5B

Australian company 5B has developed a hinged, folding solar array for ridiculously quick and easy installation at industrial scale. In May, 5B showed just how quick: a team of 10 covered the area of a soccer field with a 1.1-MW array in a single day.Co… Continue reading Rapid-deployment solar arrays cut energy cost up to 20%, says 5B

Carbon nanotubes boost efficiency in “nanobionic” bacterial solar cells

Engineers at EPFL have found a way to insert carbon nanotubes into photosynthetic bacteria, which greatly improves their electrical output. They even pass these nanotubes down to their offspring when they divide, through what the team calls “inherited … Continue reading Carbon nanotubes boost efficiency in “nanobionic” bacterial solar cells