Concerns over kids’ screen-time a modern-day “moral panic”, says study

A new study has concluded young people today rate similarly on interpersonal skills compared to those who grew up in the 1990s. The research suggests smartphones, screen-time, and social media have not negatively affected kids’ social skills, and moder… Continue reading Concerns over kids’ screen-time a modern-day “moral panic”, says study

White dwarf supernova observation is a first for NASA's TESS mission

Artist concept of the TESS spacecraft which recently observed a supernova and the elemental content of ...

NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) was built to search for new planets, but astronomers at Ohio State discovered that it could also observe supernovas created by exploding white dwarf stars. This development means we might soon have a better idea about why they explode, and what they leave behind in the process.

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Category: Space


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Thornton May, Futurist – Business Security Weekly #77

Thornton is one of America’s premier “executive educators” designing and delivering high impact curricula at UCLA, UC-Berkeley, Arizona State University, THE Ohio State University, the University of Kentucky, and the Olin College of Enginee… Continue reading Thornton May, Futurist – Business Security Weekly #77