Tentsile’s new hanging shelters feature fabric made from ocean plastics

Tentsile has built an impressive stable of suspended sleeping shelters and hammocks since launching its very first tree tent in 2012, and its latest creations land with a particularly green tinge. The company has dropped a new tent and hammock combo th… Continue reading Tentsile’s new hanging shelters feature fabric made from ocean plastics

Robotic marine trash collector starts making waves in Hong Kong

Back in November 2020, startup Open Ocean Engineering launched an autonomous trash collector aimed at clearing plastic waste from harbors, lakes and canals. After partnering with games titan Razer last year for a radical redesign, a sleeker Clearbot ha… Continue reading Robotic marine trash collector starts making waves in Hong Kong

Microplastics found to spread deadly land-based pathogens far out to sea

The way plastic moves through the environment and endangers living organisms is of great concern to scientists, and a first-of-a-kind study has unearthed disconcerting new information on both these fronts. The authors have demonstrated that the type of… Continue reading Microplastics found to spread deadly land-based pathogens far out to sea

AI-enabled drones will tell human teams where to find marine debris

Marine debris is a huge problem, both when it’s floating at sea and when it gets washed up on the shore. In order to locate the latter for removal, scientists are now developing artificially intelligent drones which will spot human-made beach trash fro… Continue reading AI-enabled drones will tell human teams where to find marine debris

Coastal creatures found living aboard floating trash in the open ocean

Some of the ways plastic waste is reshaping the marine ecosystem are quite insidious, such as the tiny particles that organisms can consume and send traveling up the food chain. Others are plain to see, such as the larger pieces of trash that form the … Continue reading Coastal creatures found living aboard floating trash in the open ocean

Plant-based biodegradable glitter sparkles without the microplastics

Glitter spruces up everything from makeup to craft projects, but one thing it doesn’t improve is the environment. Researchers at Cambridge University have now developed a biodegradable glitter that swaps out the plastic and aluminum for plant-based cel… Continue reading Plant-based biodegradable glitter sparkles without the microplastics

Can ocean cleanup boats power themselves by turning plastic into fuel?

With the amount of plastic swirling around in the ocean, wouldn’t it be handy if the boats charged with cleaning it up could use the trash to fuel their own operations? A new study has crunched the numbers on such an approach and found that ships carry… Continue reading Can ocean cleanup boats power themselves by turning plastic into fuel?

Ocean Cleanup moves beyond testing and outlines a system 3x the size

Having only just returned from a trial campaign that yielded massive hauls of plastic waste, the Ocean Cleanup Project is now moving beyond testing and kicking off its first operational mission. This will involve redeploying its System 002 collection b… Continue reading Ocean Cleanup moves beyond testing and outlines a system 3x the size

Ocean Cleanup’s supersized system proves its worth with “massive” haul

Back in August, the Ocean Cleanup Project returned to the waters of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch with a redesigned trash-collecting system that was its largest yet. This upsized approach appears to be paying some dividends, with System 002’s final p… Continue reading Ocean Cleanup’s supersized system proves its worth with “massive” haul

Maritime rope may be a large source of microplastics pollution

We’ve been hearing a lot lately about how disintegrated waterborne trash is one of the main sources of ocean microplastics pollution. A new study, however, suggests that aging maritime rope could also be making a significant contribution.Continue Readi… Continue reading Maritime rope may be a large source of microplastics pollution