First officially approved Gen IV nuclear reactor in the US breaks ground

Kairos Power has broken ground at Oak Ridge on the first officially approved Generation IV reactor ever in the US and the first non-light-water reactor in 50 years. It is being constructed alongside a non-nuclear demonstration unit that will help infor… Continue reading First officially approved Gen IV nuclear reactor in the US breaks ground

World’s first ‘meltdown-proof’ nuclear reactor aces safety test

China’s Tsinghua University has scored a world first by demonstrating the inherent safety of the first operating commercial pebble-bed nuclear reactor by shutting off the power and letting the passive systems maintain control of the reactor core.Contin… Continue reading World’s first ‘meltdown-proof’ nuclear reactor aces safety test

Rolls-Royce gets $6M to develop its ambitious nuclear space reactor

Rolls-Royce has received an additional £4.8 million (US$6.2 million) in funding from the UK Space Agency (UKSA) to develop key technology for a nuclear micro-reactor that could one day power lunar bases and spacecraft propulsion.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading Rolls-Royce gets $6M to develop its ambitious nuclear space reactor

Small modular nuclear reactors get a reality check in new report

A new report has assessed the feasibility of deploying small modular nuclear reactors to meet increasing energy demands around the world. The findings don’t look so good for this particular form of energy production.Continue ReadingCategory: Energy, Sc… Continue reading Small modular nuclear reactors get a reality check in new report

New nuclear heaters use americium-241 to stop spacecraft freezing

Commercial operations on the Moon won’t just be round-the-clock but round-the-calendar as ispace, inc. and the University of Leicester partner to develop nuclear heaters to allow future landers and rovers to survive the freezing lunar night.Continue Re… Continue reading New nuclear heaters use americium-241 to stop spacecraft freezing

Radiation-proof Chernobyl worms offer answers about cancer

Studying a species of microscopic worms exposed to almost forty years of high radiation following an explosion at a Ukrainian nuclear power plant, researchers couldn’t find signs of genetic damage caused by the exposure. They believe the findings will … Continue reading Radiation-proof Chernobyl worms offer answers about cancer