Smart bandage would use light to indicate infections

While it’s important to check wounds for infections, removing the dressing in order to do so can be disruptive to the healing process. A new smart bandage could help, by “glowing” in a certain way if an infection is beginning.Continue ReadingCategory: … Continue reading Smart bandage would use light to indicate infections

NawaStitch promises to make carbon composites even lighter and stronger

France’s Nawa Technologies is setting up operations in the United States, and bringing its fast, affordable vertically aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) manufacturing process into a new application: making carbon fiber composites much stronger.Continue R… Continue reading NawaStitch promises to make carbon composites even lighter and stronger

New method smashes record for longest carbon nanotube forests ever made

Researchers at Waseda University in Japan have grown “forests” of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) longer than ever before. Using a new method, the team grew bunches of nanotubes up to 14 cm (5.5 in) long, which should help make it easier to scale up production… Continue reading New method smashes record for longest carbon nanotube forests ever made

“World’s fastest electrodes” triple the density of lithium batteries

French company Nawa technologies says it’s already in production on a new electrode design that can radically boost the performance of existing and future battery chemistries, delivering up to 3x the energy density, 10x the power, vastly faster chargin… Continue reading “World’s fastest electrodes” triple the density of lithium batteries

Simple new method makes graphene “paint” possible

Graphene may be versatile, but there’s one thing it’s not all that good at – dispersing in water. Now, researchers at Umeå University have found a relatively simple way to do it. Graphene oxide is a different form of the material that can make for stab… Continue reading Simple new method makes graphene “paint” possible

University Makes Bulletproof 3D Prints

Researchers at Rice University are studying 3D printing plastic structures that mimic tubulanes — theoretical nanotube structures predicted to have extraordinary strength. The result has been very strong and very compressible structures that can actually resist bullets.

As an experiment, the researchers fired projectiles at 5.8 km/s at a block …read more

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Making Graphene More Practical

[James Tour] and others at Rice University announced an improved form of graphene that uses nanoscale rivets. The material incorporates carbon nanotubes along with carbon spheres that encase iron nanoparticles. The nanotubes provide strength and higher conductivity overall, while the spheres let the material transfer more easily.

Typically, placing graphene on something involves using chemical vapor deposition on a polymer layer before transferring to another site. The polymer tends to degrade the graphene’s properties. This new material doesn’t require this intermediate step. In addition, the spheres allow interfacing to the graphene more readily.

The new material is almost as transparent …read more

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