Mars 2020 spacecraft gets new landing sensor package for greater safety

With an eye to making future unmanned and manned planetary landing missions safer, NASA has installed the first components of an advanced instrument package aboard the Mars 2020 entry vehicle. Parts of the Mars Entry, Descent and Landing Inst… Continue reading Mars 2020 spacecraft gets new landing sensor package for greater safety

NASA starts fueling up Mars 2020 rover's nuclear powerplant

The angled unit on the rover is the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG)

NASA engineers have started loading nuclear fuel into the Mars 2020 rover. In anticipation of the unmanned explorer’s scheduled 2020 launch, the space agency’s Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, Thomas Zurbuchen has given the green light to begin placing the plutonium-238 dioxide fuel into the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG) that will provide the rover with heat and electricity.

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NASA's Mars 2020 rover gets robotic arm to search for life on the Red Planet

The Mars 2020 rover getting its robotic arm at JPL

Having recently received its wheels, NASA’s Mars 2020 rover now has its arm. On June 21, engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, began attaching the intricate robotic arm and hand that the unmanned explorer will use to search for signs of past and present life on the Red Planet.

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NASA's Mars 2020 rover gets wheeled up for the Red Planet

Engineers prepare the starboard legs and wheels for integration onto NASA's Mars 2020 rover

NASA’s Mars 2020 rover is getting ready to roll, as engineers have installed its wheels at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. On June 13th, the unmanned nuclear explorer received its port and starboard legs and wheels, that will allow it to roam the surface of the Red Planet as it seeks out signs of present or past life.

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24-hour webcam let's you watch as engineers build NASA's next Mars rover

The webcam is mounted on a viewing gallery above the clean room floor

A newly-installed clean room webcam at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is giving members of the public a front row seat as technicians and engineers assemble the Mars 2020 rover. The robotic explorer will be accompanied by a helicopter equipped with a high-resolution camera when it launches to the Red Planet atop an Atlas V rocket next year.

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