Vinyl production platform aims to treat listeners to master-quality records

Though dedicated music streamers might not have even noticed, sales of vinyl records have been on the rise over the last few years, prompting pressing plants to fire up again and start churning out albums. Currently in stealth mode, the UK’s elasticSta… Continue reading Vinyl production platform aims to treat listeners to master-quality records

World’s 2nd-largest steel producer to begin making green steel by 2025

The world produces more than 1.8 billion tons of steel a year, releasing nearly twice that weight in carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Indeed, steel production accounts for somewhere between 7-8 percent of global anthropogenic carbon emissions, so th… Continue reading World’s 2nd-largest steel producer to begin making green steel by 2025

Compact imaging system promises to reinvent monitoring of metal fatigue

Things don’t fall from the sky without a damn good reason. US lawyers Baum Hedlund, who specialize in litigation concerning transport accidents, lists human errors as the main reasons (53 percent) for aircraft crashes, followed by manufacturing defects… Continue reading Compact imaging system promises to reinvent monitoring of metal fatigue

World’s largest hydrogen “green steel” plant to open in Sweden by 2024

In 2020, the world produced about 1,864 million tons of steel, and since some 75 percent of the energy used in steelmaking comes from coal, each of those tons sent about 1.9 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The world can’t get by without thi… Continue reading World’s largest hydrogen “green steel” plant to open in Sweden by 2024

Square sausages anyone? Scientists uncover mechanics of cubed wombat poo

Wombats are the only animal in the world known to produce cubic poo. Until a few years ago it was assumed the feces was moulded into a square shape on its way out of the animal, but some robust research published in 2018 finally solved the mystery. It … Continue reading Square sausages anyone? Scientists uncover mechanics of cubed wombat poo

Meltio Engine transforms any CNC machine into a hybrid 3D print system

Hybrid manufacturing systems like DMG Mori’s Lasertec 65 DED hybrid are starting to pop up here and there with the ability both to add metal via laser deposition 3D printing, and to subtract it via more traditional milling processes, giving you somewha… Continue reading Meltio Engine transforms any CNC machine into a hybrid 3D print system