Silencer for leaf blowers picked up by Black & Decker

There are few power tools that raise a neighbor’s hackles quite like the leaf blower. Sure, others can be loud, but there’s just something about their particular ear-splitting drone that cuts in like a dentist’s drill. Perhaps it’s people’s frustrating… Continue reading Silencer for leaf blowers picked up by Black & Decker

Leaf-inspired origami “microfliers” change shape to change flight

If you’re trying to distribute environmental sensors over a wide area by dropping them from a drone, you definitely don’t want them all landing in the same place. In order to keep that from happening, University of Washington scientists have created ti… Continue reading Leaf-inspired origami “microfliers” change shape to change flight

Floating artificial leaves produce fuels from water, air and sunlight

The leaf is one of nature’s most impressive little machines, able to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into energy. Scientists at Cambridge have now created a type of artificial leaf that can float on water, tapping into sunlight above it and … Continue reading Floating artificial leaves produce fuels from water, air and sunlight

Improving More Leaf Design Flaws

[Daniel] was recently featured here for his work in improving the default charging mode for the Nissan Leaf electric vehicle when using the emergency/trickle charger included with the car. His work made it possible to reduce the amount of incoming power from the car, if the charging plug looked like …read more

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Adding Luxury Charging Features to an Entry-Level EV

The Nissan Leaf is the best-selling electric car of all time so far, thanks largely to it being one of the first mass produced all-electric EVs. While getting into the market early was great for Nissan, they haven’t made a lot of upgrades that other EV manufacturers have made and …read more

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“Artificial leaf” device turns water and sunlight into hydrogen fuel

Researchers from Rice University have built a simple new solar-powered device that can create hydrogen for fuel by splitting water. The system is very similar to other “artificial leaf” designs, but the team says it’s self-sufficient and relatively che… Continue reading “Artificial leaf” device turns water and sunlight into hydrogen fuel

A Range-Extended Electric Van

The only thing limiting the range on any electric vehicle isn’t really battery technology, but cost. Customers don’t want to pay more money for an electric car or van that does essentially the same thing as one with an internal combustion engine. This in turn limits the amount of batteries …read more

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