Virtual universes study suggests habitable Earth-like exoplanets are more common than we thought

Earth is – for now – the only place in the universe that we know hosts life, so it makes sense that astronomers focus the search for alien life on worlds that are the most like our own. But just how common are Earth-like planets orbiting at c… Continue reading Virtual universes study suggests habitable Earth-like exoplanets are more common than we thought

Randomly dimming star can't be explained by usual theories

An artist's impression of a swarm of comets dimming "Tabby's Star" – an explanation that has ...

A few years ago, astronomers noticed a star that was dimming in a strange pattern, leading to speculation that an “alien megastructure” might be orbiting it. More plausible explanations were later put forward, with the most likely culprit being a cluster of comets. But now scientists have discovered an even weirder star system that appears to be dimming completely at random, and none of the usual explanations seem to fit.

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Category: Space


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New algorithm digs up 18 Earth-like exoplanets from old Kepler data

So far almost 4,000 planets have been discovered orbiting stars other than the Sun, and that tally is constantly growing. Now another 18 exoplanets have been added to the haul, but the difference this time is that all of them are roughly Eart… Continue reading New algorithm digs up 18 Earth-like exoplanets from old Kepler data