Ultra-thin graphite films soak up heat to keep smartphones cool

Making every micrometer count is a key consideration for designers and engineers working on modern smartphones, and a new material could free up some valuable space. Scientists have developed a nanometer-thick form of graphite that helps keep electroni… Continue reading Ultra-thin graphite films soak up heat to keep smartphones cool

Inkjet-printed ultrathin solar cells ditch rare minerals

Researchers in Saudi Arabia have developed thin, organic solar cells with a few advantages over others of their type. The new solar cells are more efficient, made using more common elements, and can be inkjet-printed onto surfaces, making them light an… Continue reading Inkjet-printed ultrathin solar cells ditch rare minerals

Porous, recyclable mat soaks up oil spills with great efficiency

Such is the environmental devastation caused by large oil spills like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster that scientists the world over are exploring new ways to contain the mess. The latest product of these efforts is a recyclable mat developed at Sa… Continue reading Porous, recyclable mat soaks up oil spills with great efficiency

Solar flow battery efficiently stores renewable energy in liquid form

Capturing energy from the Sun with solar panels is only half the story – that energy needs to be stored somewhere for later use. In the case of flow batteries, storage is relegated to vats of liquid. Now, an international team led by University of Wisc… Continue reading Solar flow battery efficiently stores renewable energy in liquid form

Peel-off membrane could allow N95 masks to be reused many times

Although N95 face masks are quite effective at blocking transmission of the COVID-19-causing SARS-CoV-2 virus, they’re also intended to be used only a few times at most. A new removable membrane, however, could make them much more reusable.Continue Rea… Continue reading Peel-off membrane could allow N95 masks to be reused many times

Peel-off membrane could allow N95 masks to be reused many times

Although N95 face masks are quite effective at blocking transmission of the COVID-19-causing SARS-CoV-2 virus, they’re also intended to be used only a few times at most. A new removable membrane, however, could make them much more reusable.Continue Rea… Continue reading Peel-off membrane could allow N95 masks to be reused many times

Aqua-Fi could bring Wi-Fi-like tech to the underwater world

Radio waves travel poorly through the water, which makes it difficult for divers or submersibles to wirelessly transmit information to the surface. Scientists are trying to change that, though, by developing an underwater version of Wi-Fi.Continue Read… Continue reading Aqua-Fi could bring Wi-Fi-like tech to the underwater world

Discovery of ocean insect’s secret could lead to slipperier ships

The “sea skater” is one of the few insects that lives full-time in a marine environment. Scientists are now taking a closer look at how the animal repels water, with an eye towards the development of more hydrodynamic ship hulls.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading Discovery of ocean insect’s secret could lead to slipperier ships

Polymer gel pulls in water vapor to cool solar panels

Given that solar panels lie in direct sunlight, it goes without saying that they can get pretty hot. Unfortunately, though, they also get less efficient as they heat up. That said, a new gel could help cool them … without using any electricity.Continue… Continue reading Polymer gel pulls in water vapor to cool solar panels

Fiber optic tech could save date palms from infestations

Responsible for millions of dollars in crop losses annually, the red palm weevil is a flying beetle that lays its eggs inside date palm trees. It could soon be possible to detect such infestations earlier than ever, using fiber optic cables.Continue Re… Continue reading Fiber optic tech could save date palms from infestations