How Twitter Sued the Trump Administration and Won Almost Instantly

Twitter sued Customs and Border Protection on Thursday. By Friday morning, the government withdrew its subpoena for the user information of @ALT_uscis. Continue reading How Twitter Sued the Trump Administration and Won Almost Instantly

The Six Commandments of the GDPR

Otherwise known as the measuring stick by which your GDPR compliance will be assessed, the six core principles of the GDPR are the basic foundations upon which the regulation was constructed. Unquestionable and pure in nature, they are rarely acknowledged for one simple reason: five of the six have no real application in helping you […]… Read More

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Reflect drops public beta to power developer-first data visualization

Abstract pattern of yellow pie charts on multiColored background of geometric shapes Data visualization has been done — we have publicly traded, interactive, real-time and heck even artificially intelligent companies promising data visualization. But despite all the noise, Portland-based Reflect is making a go of it in the space, opening up its public beta today. By putting developers first and letting them integrate and customize visualizations in their own… Read More Continue reading Reflect drops public beta to power developer-first data visualization

The Next Wave for Cybersecurity Awareness

The annual RSA Conference is a lot of things to a lot of people (43,000 this year!). For me, it’s become an annual opportunity to step out of the stream and to look back at what has happened in the last year and peer forward at what’s to come. This year, I think we have […]… Read More

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The Cost of Stolen Information Available on the Dark Web

Large hacks and cyber-attacks aimed at exploiting information, affecting everyone from major company databases to politician’s email accounts, have now become a common occurrence in our ever-connected world. This hacked information – and the act of accessing it – has rapidly become a sought-after product and service on dark web marketplaces. Coupled with the measures […]… Read More

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Information Security Professional: A Song for the Unheard Hero

When I stand in front of people and or watch people receive awards for “the most calls made” or “high volume of contact with customer,” I think, “That is great and all, but do they know what it takes to make that happen? Do they know who is up late at nights protecting them, their […]… Read More

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Information Security Professional: A Song for the Unheard Hero

When I stand in front of people and or watch people receive awards for “the most calls made” or “high volume of contact with customer,” I think, “That is great and all, but do they know what it takes to make that happen? Do they know who is up late at nights protecting them, their […]… Read More

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